Erstmalige BH-Anprobe: Vorbereitung, Erwartungen und Tipps
Unsure whether to choose an in-person or online bra fitting? This guide covers the pros, cons, and expert tips to help you find your perfect fit!
Equal Pay Day 2024: The Fight for Equality Continues
Today is Equal Pay Day 2024, highlighting the 11.3% gender pay gap in the UK. Join MAAREE and the Fawcett Society in the fight for pay equality. Together, we can close the gap!
Breast Health Awareness Month: What It Is, How to Take Action
October is Breast Health Awareness Month, focused on early detection of breast cancer. Learn how to perform self-checks, explore CoppaFeel!'s resources, and see how our #BraHijack partnership helps...
Radiologists Rally to Abolish VAT on Bras – What You Need to Know!
Healthcare professionals have argued that VAT should be removed from the cost of bras, declaring that the tax disproportionately affects women. Here's what you need to know...
IWD The History of the Sports Bra: How Women Took Charge
To celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th we wanted to share with you the story of how the first sports bra was made. It's an amazing example of how women took charge and made a big diffe...
Finding the One: A Short Story of Unexpected Love
Your eyes do not deceive you. We have written a short but romantic Valentine's Day story. One that may sound all too familiar to you...
Understanding Red-S: A Call to Action for Women in Sports
A hidden health challenge in women's sports. What is Red-S, it's consequences on fertility and why is it overlooked so often.
Navigating the Night: Empowering Women to Run Safely After Dark
How to feel empowered with practical tips and the latest insights for women running safely in the dark.
Equal Pay Day 2023: Our Continued Battle for Equality
On Equal Pay Day, explore MAAREE's commitment to gender equality, the progress made, and our ongoing Battle Bra initiative in partnership with The Fawcett Society.
Kim Kardashian's 'Skims Nipple Push-Up Bra': Empowerment or Objectification?
Being a proud feminist, I went on quite the emotional rollercoaster in the first 5 minutes of seeing her launch campaign.
Meine Reise, die Herausforderung anzunehmen, ohne Shirt zu gehen
2022 war das Jahr, in dem ich, der Besitzer eines Sport-BH-Unternehmens, mich endlich getraut habe, zum ersten Mal im Fitnessstudio oben ohne zu trainieren. So fühlte ich mich dabei.
Das Gute, das Schlechte und das Unangenehme: Wie war deine allererste BH-Anprobe?
Unsere Instagram-Follower teilen mit uns ihre ersten BH-Anprobeerfahrungen, und sie sind aufschlussreich!